
Manuscript summary

  1. Levi decompositions of linear algebraic groups and non-abelian cohomology (2024) To appear in: Pacific J. Math (Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz) (date accepted: 2024).

  2. Nilpotent elements and reductive subgroups over a local field (2021) Algebras and Representation Theory 24 (2021), pp. 1479-1522.

  3. Reductive subgroup schemes of a parahoric group scheme (2020) Transformation Groups 25 (2020), no. 1, pp. 217-249.

  4. Central subalgebras of the centralizer of a nilpotent element (2016) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), no. 6, pp. 2383–2397. With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

  5. Linearity for actions on vector groups (2014) Journal of Algebra 397 (2014), pp. 666–688.

  6. Levi factors of the special fiber of a parahoric group scheme and tame ramification (2014) Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2014), no. 2, pp. 469–479.

  7. On the descent of Levi factors (2013) Archiv der Mathematik 100 (2013), no. 1, pp. 7–24.

  8. Some good-filtration subgroups of simple algebraic groups (2013) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 217 (2013), no. 12, pp. 2400–2413. With Chuck Hague (The McKeogh Company).

  9. Levi decompositions of a linear algebraic group (2010) Transformation Groups 15 (2010), no. 4, pp. 937–964.

  10. Nilpotent centralizers and Springer isomorphisms (2009) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), no. 7, pp. 1346–1363. With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

  11. Nilpotent subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras (2009) Comptes Rendus Mathématique, Académie des Sciences, Paris 347 (2009), no. 9-10, pp. 477–482. With Paul Levy (Lancaster University) and Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

  12. The centralizer of a nilpotent section (2008) Nagoya Mathematical Journal 190 (2008), pp. 129–181.

  13. Completely reducible Lie subalgebras (2007) Transformation Groups 12 (2007), no. 1, pp. 127–135.

  14. Completely reducible SL(2) homomorphisms (2007) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (2007), no. 9, pp. 4489–4510 (electronic). With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

  15. On the centralizer of the sum of commuting nilpotent elements (2006) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 206 (2006), no. 1-2, pp. 123–140.

  16. Optimal SL(2) homomorphisms (2005) Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 80 (2005), no. 2, pp. 391–426.

  17. Nilpotent orbits over ground fields of good characteristic (2004) Mathematische Annalen 329 (2004), no. 1, pp. 49–85.

  18. Sub-principal homomorphisms in positive characteristic (2003) Mathematische Zeitschrift 244 (2003), no. 2, pp. 433–455.

  19. Faithful representations of SL(2) over truncated Witt vectors (2003) Journal of Algebra 265 (2003), no. 2, pp. 606–618.

  20. Adjoint Jordan Blocks (2003) Unpublished manuscript (2003).

  21. Component groups of unipotent centralizers in good characteristic (2003) Journal of Algebra 260 (2003), no. 1, pp. 323–337. With Eric Sommers (University of Massachusetts Amherst).

  22. The second cohomology of small irreducible modules for simple algebraic groups (2002) Pacific Journal of Mathematics 204 (2002), no. 2, pp. 459–472.

  23. Abelian unipotent subgroups of reductive groups (2002) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 167 (2002), no. 2-3, pp. 269–300.

  24. Filtrations and positive characteristic Howe duality (2000) Mathematische Zeitschrift 235 (2000), no. 4, pp. 651–685.

  25. Semisimplicity of exterior powers of semisimple representations of groups (2000) Journal of Algebra 225 (2000), no. 2, pp. 646–666.

  26. Semisimple modules for finite groups of Lie type (1999) Journal of the London Mathematical Society 60 (1999), no. 3, pp. 771–792.

  27. Dimensional criteria for semisimplicity of representations (1998) Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 76 (1998), no. 1, pp. 95–149.

  28. Semisimplicity in positive characteristic (1998) Algebraic groups and their representations, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci. 517 (1998), pp. 43–52.

Manuscript details

Levi decompositions of linear algebraic groups and non-abelian cohomology

Citation: To appear in: Pacific J. Math (Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz) (date accepted: 2024).

URLs: [PDF].

Abstract: Let k be a field, and let G be a linear algebraic group over k for which the unipotent radical U of G is defined and split over k. Consider a finite, separable field extension of k and suppose that the group G obtained by base-change has a Levi decomposition (over ). We continue here our study of the question previously investigated in (McNinch 2013): does G have a Levi decomposition (over k)?

Using non-abelian cohomology we give some condition under which this question has an affirmative answer. On the other hand, we provide an(other) example of a group G as above which has no Levi decomposition over k.

Nilpotent elements and reductive subgroups over a local field

Citation: Algebras and Representation Theory 24 (2021), pp. 1479-1522.

URLs: [PDF], [DOI], [Springer], [Journal] and [MR].

Abstract: Let K be a local field – i.e. the field of fractions of a complete DVR A whose residue field k has characteristic p>0 – and let G be a connected, absolutely simple algebraic K-group G which splits over an unramified extension of K. We study the rational nilpotent orbits of G– i.e. the orbits of G(K) in the nilpotent elements of Lie(G)(K) – under the assumption p>2h2 where h is the Coxeter number of G.

A reductive group M over K is unramified if there is a reductive model M over A for which M=MK. Our main result shows for any nilpotent element X1Lie(G) that there is an unramified, reductive K-subgroup M which contains a maximal torus of G and for which X1Lie(M) is geometrically distinguished.

The proof uses a variation on a result of DeBacker relating the nilpotent orbits of G with the nilpotent orbits of the reductive quotient of the special fiber for the various parahoric group schemes associated with G.

Reductive subgroup schemes of a parahoric group scheme

Citation: Transformation Groups 25 (2020), no. 1, pp. 217-249.

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [DOI] and [Journal].

Abstract: Let K be the field of fractions of a complete discrete valuation ring A with residue field k, and let G be a connected reductive algebraic group over K. Suppose P is a parahoric group scheme attached to G. In particular, P is a smooth affine A-group scheme having generic fiber PK=G; the group scheme P is in general not reductive over A.

If G splits over an unramified extension of K, we find in this paper a closed and reductive A-subgroup scheme MP for which the special fiber Mk is a Levi factor of Pk. Moreover, we show that the generic fiber MK is a subgroup of G which is geometrically of type C(μ) – i.e. after a separable field extension, MK is the identity component MK=CGo(φ) of the centralizer of the image of a homomorphism φ:μnH, where μn is the group scheme of n-th roots of unity for some n>2. For a connected and split reductive group H over any field F, the paper describes those subgroups of H which are of type C(μ).

Central subalgebras of the centralizer of a nilpotent element

Citation: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), no. 6, pp. 2383–2397.

With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let G be a connected, semisimple algebraic group over a field k whose characteristic is very good for G. In a canonical manner, one associates to a nilpotent element XLie(G) a parabolic subgroup P – in characteristic zero, P may be described using an sl(2) triple containing X; in general, P is the “instability parabolic” for X as in geometric invariant theory. In this setting, we are concerned with the center Z(C) of the centralizer C of X in G. Choose a Levi factor L of P, and write d for the dimension of the center Z(L). Finally, assume that the nilpotent element X is even. In this case, we can deform Lie(L) to Lie(C), and our deformation produces a d dimensional subalgebra of Lie(Z(C)). Since Z(C) is a smooth group scheme, it follows that dimZ(C)d=dimZ(L). In fact, Lawther and Testerman have proved that dimZ(C)=dimZ(L). Despite only yielding a partial result, the interest in the method found in the present work is that it avoids the extensive case checking carried out by Lawther-Testerman in the memoir [LT 11].

Linearity for actions on vector groups

Citation: Journal of Algebra 397 (2014), pp. 666–688.

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let k be an arbitrary field, let G be a (smooth) linear algebraic group over k, and let U be a vector group over k on which G acts by automorphisms of algebraic groups. The action of G on U is said to be linear if there is a G equivariant isomorphism of algebraic groups ULie(U).

Suppose that G is connected and that the unipotent radical of G is defined over k. If the G module Lie(U) is simple, we show that the action of G on U is linear. If G acts by automorphisms on a connected, split unipotent group U, we deduce that U has a filtration by G invariant closed subgroups for which the successive factors are vector groups with a linear action of G. This verifies for such G an assumption made in earlier work of the author on the existence of Levi factors.

On the other hand, for any field k of positive characteristic we show that if the category of representations of G is not semisimple, there is an action of G on a suitable vector group U which is not linear.

Levi factors of the special fiber of a parahoric group scheme and tame ramification

Citation: Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2014), no. 2, pp. 469–479.

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let A be a Henselian discrete valuation ring with fractions K and with perfect residue field k of characteristic p>0. Let G be a connected and reductive algebraic group over K, and let P be a parahoric group scheme over A with generic fiber PK=G. The special fiber Pk is a linear algebraic group over k.

If G splits over an unramified extension of K, we proved in some previous work that the special fiber Pk has a Levi factor, and that any two Levi factors of Pk are geometrically conjugate. In the present paper, we extend a portion of this result. Following a suggestion of Gopal Prasad, we prove that if G splits over a tamely ramified extension of K, then the geometric special fiber Pk has a Levi factor.

On the descent of Levi factors

Citation: Archiv der Mathematik 100 (2013), no. 1, pp. 7–24.

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let G be a linear algebraic group over a field k of characteristic p>0, and suppose that the unipotent radical R of G is defined and split over k. By a Levi factor of G, one means a closed subgroup M which is a complement to R in G. In this paper, we give two results related to the descent of Levi factors.

First, suppose is a finite Galois extension of k for which the extension degree [:k] is relatively prime to p. If G has a Levi decomposition, we show that G has a Levi decomposition. Second, suppose that there is a G-equivariant isomorphism of algebraic groups RLie(R) – i.e. R is a vector group with a linear action of the reductive quotient G/R. If GL has a Levi decomposition for a separable closure L=ksep of k, then G has a Levi decomposition.

Finally, we give an example of a disconnected, abelian, linear algebraic group G for which GL has a Levi decomposition over a separable closure L, but G itself has no Levi decomposition.

Some good-filtration subgroups of simple algebraic groups

Citation: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 217 (2013), no. 12, pp. 2400–2413.

With Chuck Hague (The McKeogh Company).

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [arXiv] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let G be a connected and reductive algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. An interesting class of representations of G consists of those G-modules having a good filtration – i.e. a filtration whose layers are the standard highest weight modules obtained as the space of global sections of G linearized line bundles on the flag variety of G. Let HG be a connected and reductive subgroup of G. One says that (G,H) is a Donkin pair, or that H is a good filtration subgroup of G, if whenever the G-module V has a good filtration, the H-module resHGV has a good filtration.

In this paper, we show when G is a “classical group” that the optimal SL(2) subgroups of G are good filtration subgroups. We also consider the cases of subsystem subgroups in all types and determine some primes for which they are good filtration subgroups.

Levi decompositions of a linear algebraic group

Citation: Transformation Groups 15 (2010), no. 4, pp. 937–964.


URLs: [PDF], [MR], [DOI] and [arXiv].

Abstract: If G is a connected linear algebraic group over the field k, a Levi factor of G is a reductive complement to the unipotent radical of G. If k has positive characteristic, G may have no Levi factor, or G may have Levi factors which are not geometrically conjugate. We give in this paper some sufficient conditions for the existence and the conjugacy of Levi factors of G.

Let A be a Henselian discrete valuation ring with fractions K and with perfect residue field k of characteristic p>0. Let G be a connected and reductive algebraic group over K. Bruhat and Tits have associated to G certain smooth A group schemes P whose generic fibers Pk coincide with G; these are known as parahoric group schemes. The special fiber Pk of a parahoric group scheme is a linear algebraic group over k. If G splits over an unramified extension of K, we show that Pk has a Levi factor, and that any two Levi factors of Pk are geometrically conjugate.

Nilpotent centralizers and Springer isomorphisms

Citation: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), no. 7, pp. 1346–1363.

With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [DOI] and [arXiv].

Abstract: Let G be a semisimple algebraic group over a field K whose characteristic is very good for G, and let σ be any G equivariant isomorphism from the nilpotent variety to the unipotent variety; the map σ is known as a Springer isomorphism. Let yG(K), let YLie(G)(K), and write Cy=CG(y) and CY=CG(Y) for the centralizers. We show that the center of Cy and the center of CY are smooth group schemes over K. The existence of a Springer isomorphism is used to treat the crucial cases where y is unipotent and where Y is nilpotent.

Now suppose G to be quasisplit, and write C for the centralizer of a rational regular nilpotent element. We obtain a description of the normalizer NG(C) of C, and we show that the automorphism of Lie(C) determined by the differential of σ at zero is a scalar multiple of the identity; these results verify observations of J-P. Serre.

Nilpotent subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras

Citation: Comptes Rendus Mathématique, Académie des Sciences, Paris 347 (2009), no. 9-10, pp. 477–482.

With Paul Levy (Lancaster University) and Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let Lie(G) be the Lie algebra of a semisimple linear algebraic group. Under mild conditions on the characteristic of the underlying field, one can show that any subalgebra of Lie(G) consisting of nilpotent elements is contained in some Borel subalgebra. In this Note, we provide examples for each semisimple group G and for each of the torsion primes for G of nil subalgebras not lying in any Borel subalgebra of Lie(G).

The centralizer of a nilpotent section

Citation: Nagoya Mathematical Journal 190 (2008), pp. 129–181.


URLs: [PDF], [MR], [arXiv] and [Euclid].

Abstract: Let F be an algebraically closed field and let G be a semisimple algebraic F-group for which the characteristic of F is very good. If XLie(G)=Lie(G)(F) is a nilpotent element in the Lie algebra of G, and if C is the centralizer in G of X, we show that (i) the root datum of a Levi factor of C, and (ii) the component group C/Co both depend only on the Bala-Carter label of X; i.e. both are independent of very good characteristic. The result in case (ii) depends on the known case when G is (simple and) of adjoint type.

The proofs are achieved by studying the centralizer C of a nilpotent section X in the Lie algebra of a suitable semisimple group scheme over a Noetherian, normal, local ring A. When the centralizer of X is equidimensional on Spec(A), a crucial result is that locally in the étale topology there is a smooth A subgroup scheme L of C such that Lt is a Levi factor of Ct for each tSpec(A).

Completely reducible Lie subalgebras

Citation: Transformation Groups 12 (2007), no. 1, pp. 127–135.

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [DOI] and [arXiv].

Abstract: Let G be a connected and reductive group over the algebraically closed field K. J-P. Serre has introduced the notion of a G completely reducible subgroup HG. In this note, we give a notion of G complete reducibility – G-cr for short – for Lie subalgebras of Lie(G), and we show that if the closed subgroup HG is G-cr, then Lie(H) is G-cr as well.

Completely reducible SL(2) homomorphisms

Citation: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (2007), no. 9, pp. 4489–4510 (electronic).

With Donna M. Testerman (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne).

URLs: [PDF], [DOI], [arXiv] and [MR].

Abstract: Let K be any field, and let G be a semisimple group over K. Suppose the characteristic of K is positive and is very good for G. We describe all group scheme homomorphisms ϕ:SL(2)G whose image is geometrically G completely reducible – or G-cr – in the sense of Serre; the description resembles that of irreducible modules given by Steinberg’s tensor product theorem. In case K is algebraically closed and G is simple, the result proved here was previously obtained by Liebeck and Seitz using different methods. A recent result shows the Lie algebra of the image of ϕ to be geometrically G-cr; this plays an important role in our proof.

On the centralizer of the sum of commuting nilpotent elements

Citation: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 206 (2006), no. 1-2, pp. 123–140.

URLs: [PDF], [DOI], [arXiv] and [MR].

Abstract: Let X and Y be commuting nilpotent K endomorphisms of a vector space V, where K is a field of characteristic p0. If F=K(t) is the field of rational functions on the projective line PK1, consider the K(t) endomorphism A=X+tY of V. If p=0, or if Ap1=0, we show here that X and Y are tangent to the unipotent radical of the centralizer of A in GL(V). For all geometric points (a:b) of a suitable open subset of P1, it follows that X and Y are tangent to the unipotent radical of the centralizer of aX+bY. This answers a question of J. Pevtsova.

Optimal SL(2) homomorphisms

Citation: Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 80 (2005), no. 2, pp. 391–426.

URLs: [PDF], [arXiv], [DOI] and [MR].

Abstract: Let G be a semisimple group over an algebraically closed field of very good characteristic for G. In the context of geometric invariant theory, G. Kempf has associated optimal cocharacters of G to an unstable vector in a linear G-representation. If the nilpotent element XLie(G) lies in the image of the differential of a homomorphism SL(2)G, we say that homomorphism is optimal for X, or simply optimal, provided that its restriction to a suitable torus of SL(2) is optimal for X in Kempf’s sense.

We show here that any two SL(2) homomorphisms which are optimal for X are conjugate under the connected centralizer of X. This implies, for example, that there is a unique conjugacy class of principal homomorphisms for G. We show that the image of an optimal SL(2) homomorphism is a completely reducible subgroup of G; this is a notion defined recently by J-P. Serre. Finally, if G is defined over the (arbitrary) subfield K of k, and if XLie(G)(K) is a K-rational nilpotent element with X[p]=0, we show that there is an optimal homomorphism for X which is defined over K.

Nilpotent orbits over ground fields of good characteristic

Citation: Mathematische Annalen 329 (2004), no. 1, pp. 49–85.

URLs: [PDF], [DOI], [arXiv] and [MR].

Abstract: Let X be an F-rational nilpotent element in the Lie algebra of a connected and reductive group G defined over the ground field F. Suppose that the Lie algebra has a non-degenerate invariant bilinear form. We show that the unipotent radical of the centralizer of X is F-split. This property has several consequences. When F is complete with respect to a discrete valuation with either finite or algebraically closed residue field, we deduce a uniform proof that G(F) has finitely many nilpotent orbits in Lie(G)(F). When the residue field is finite, we obtain a proof that nilpotent orbital integrals converge. Under some further (fairly mild) assumptions on G, we prove convergence for arbitrary orbital integrals on the Lie algebra and on the group. The convergence of orbital integrals in the case where F has characteristic 0 was obtained by Deligne and Ranga Rao (1972).

Sub-principal homomorphisms in positive characteristic

Citation: Mathematische Zeitschrift 244 (2003), no. 2, pp. 433–455.

URLs: [PDF], [arXiv], [DOI] and [MR].

Abstract: Let G be a reductive group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p, and let uG be a unipotent element of order p. Suppose that p is a good prime for G. We show in this paper that there is a homomorphism ϕ:SL(2)kG whose image contains u. This result was first obtained by D. Testerman (J. Algebra, 1995) using case considerations for each type of simple group (and using, in some cases, computer calculations with explicit representatives for the unipotent orbits).

The proof we give is free of case considerations (except in its dependence on the Bala-Carter theorem). Our construction of ϕ generalizes the construction of a principal homomorphism made by J.-P. Serre in (Invent. Math. 1996); in particular, ϕ is obtained by reduction modulo P from a homomorphism of group schemes over a valuation ring A in a number field. This permits us to show moreover that the weight spaces of a maximal torus of ϕ(SL(2) on Lie(G) are “the same as in characteristic 0”; the existence of a ϕ with this property was previously obtained, again using case considerations, by Lawther and Testerman (Memoirs AMS, 1999) and has been applied in some recent work of G. Seitz (Invent. Math. 2000).

Faithful representations of SL(2) over truncated Witt vectors

Citation: Journal of Algebra 265 (2003), no. 2, pp. 606–618.

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [arXiv] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let Γ2 be the six dimensional linear algebraic k-group SL2(W2), where W2 is the ring of Witt vectors of length two over the algebraically closed field k of characteristic p>2. Then the minimal dimension of a faithful rational k-representation of Γ2 is p+3.

Adjoint Jordan Blocks

Citation: Unpublished manuscript (2003).

URLs: [PDF] and [arXiv].

Abstract: Let G be a quasisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. We suppose that p is very good for G; since p is good, there is a bijection between the nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebra and the unipotent classes in G. If the nilpotent XLie(G) and the unipotent uG correspond under this bijection, and if u has order p, we show that the partitions of ad(X) and ad(u) are the same. When G is classical or of type G2, we prove this result with no assumption on the order of u.

In the cases where u has order p, the result is achieved through an application of results of Seitz concerning good A1 subgroups of G. For classical groups, the techniques are more elementary, and they lead also to a new proof of the following result of Fossum: the structure constants of the representation ring of a 1-dimensional formal group law F are independent of F.

Component groups of unipotent centralizers in good characteristic

Citation: Journal of Algebra 260 (2003), no. 1, pp. 323–337.

With Eric Sommers (University of Massachusetts Amherst).

URLs: [PDF], [MR], [DOI] and [arXiv].

Abstract: Let G be a connected, reductive group over an algebraically closed field of good characteristic. For uG unipotent, we describe the conjugacy classes in the component group A(u) of the centralizer of u. Our results extend work of the second author done for simple, adjoint G over the complex numbers.

When G is simple and adjoint, the previous work of the second author makes our description combinatorial and explicit; moreover, it turns out that knowledge of the conjugacy classes suffices to determine the group structure of A(u). Thus we obtain the result, previously known through case-checking, that the structure of the component group A(u) is independent of good characteristic.

The second cohomology of small irreducible modules for simple algebraic groups

Citation: Pacific Journal of Mathematics 204 (2002), no. 2, pp. 459–472.


URLs: [PDF], [MR], [arXiv] and [DOI].

Abstract: Let G be a connected, simply connected, quasisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0, and let V be a rational G-module such that dimVp. According to a result of Jantzen, V is completely reducible, and H1(G,V)=0. In this paper we show that H2(G,V)=0 unless some composition factor of V is a non-trivial Frobenius twist of the adjoint representation of G.

Abelian unipotent subgroups of reductive groups

Citation: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 167 (2002), no. 2-3, pp. 269–300.


URLs: [PDF], [DOI], [arXiv] and [MR].

Abstract: Let G be a connected reductive group defined over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p>0. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, when p is a good prime, we give a new proof of the “order formula” of D. Testerman for unipotent elements in G; moreover, we show that the same formula determines the p-nilpotence degree of the corresponding nilpotent elements in the Lie algebra Lie(G) of G.

Second, if G is semisimple and p is sufficiently large, we show that G always has a faithful representation (ρ,V) with the property that the exponential of dρ(X) lies in ρ(G) for each p-nilpotent XLie(G). This property permits a simplification of the description given by Suslin, Friedlander, and Bendel of the (even) cohomology ring for the Frobenius kernels Gd, d2. The previous authors already observed that the natural representation of a classical group has the above property (with no restriction on p. Our methods apply to any Chevalley group and hence give the result also for quasisimple groups with “exceptional type” root systems. The methods give explicit sufficient conditions on p; for an adjoint semisimple G with Coxeter number h, the condition p>2h2 is always good enough.

Filtrations and positive characteristic Howe duality

Citation: Mathematische Zeitschrift 235 (2000), no. 4, pp. 651–685.

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Semisimplicity of exterior powers of semisimple representations of groups

Citation: Journal of Algebra 225 (2000), no. 2, pp. 646–666.


URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Semisimple modules for finite groups of Lie type

Citation: Journal of the London Mathematical Society 60 (1999), no. 3, pp. 771–792.

URLs: [PDF], [MR] and [DOI].

Dimensional criteria for semisimplicity of representations

Citation: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 76 (1998), no. 1, pp. 95–149.


URLs: [PDF], [DOI] and [MR].

Abstract: This paper is concerned with rational representations of reductive algebraic groups over fields of positive characteristic p. Let G be a simple algebraic group of rank . It is shown that a rational representation of G is semisimple provided that its dimension does not exceed p. Furthermore, this result is improved by introducing a certain quantity C which is a quadratic function of . Roughly speaking, it is shown that any rational G module of dimension less than Cp is either semisimple or involves a subquotient from a finite list of exceptional modules.

Suppose that L1 and L2 are irreducible representations of G. The essential problem is to study the possible extensions between L1 and L2 provided dimL1+dimL2 is smaller than Cp. In this paper, all relevant simple modules Li are characterized, the restricted Lie algebra cohomology with coefficients in Li is determined, and the decomposition of the corresponding Weyl modules is analyzed. These data are then exploited to obtain the needed control of the extension theory.

Semisimplicity in positive characteristic

Citation: Algebraic groups and their representations, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci. 517 (1998), pp. 43–52.

URLs: [PDF] and [MR].