This talk concerns recent work of the speaker McNinch (2021) and McNinch (2020) on reductive groups over a local field.
Ultimately this work originated from attempts to give a different perspective on construction(s) of (DeBacker 2002).
These notes will be posted at https://gmcninch-tufts.github.io/math/ (just google for “McNinch Tufts math” if you’d like to find them…)
I’d like to thank the organizers of this Special Session on Cohomology, Representation Theory, and Lie Theory for the invitation to speak. Bummer we couldn’t be together in Mobile.
I’m going to talk about Lie theory. The questions considered are relevant for (some types of) representation theory. And cohomology is at least playing a back-story….
Nevertheless, I realize that my talk is not exactly at the barycenter of the topics one might have expected in this session, so thanks for your patience!
Let \(F\) be a field of characteristic \(p \ge 0\), let \(G\) be a reductive group over \(F\), and let \(\mu_n\) be the group scheme of \(n\)-th roots of unity, for \(n \ge 2\).
Proposition: If \(\phi:\mu_n \to G\) is a homomorphism, then the image of \(\phi\) is contained in a maximal torus of \(G\).
when \(p \mid n\), note that \(\mu_n\) is not a smooth group scheme. When \(n=p\), the image of \(\phi\) amounts to \(X \in \operatorname{Lie}(G)\) with \(X^{[p]} = X\).
There is a natural notion of equivalence for such homomorphisms; we call the equivalence classes “\(\mu\)-homomorphisms” and denote them as \(\phi:\mu \to G\).
Proposition: If \(T\) is a split torus over \(F\) with co-character group \(Y = X_*(T)\), there is a bijection \(\overline{x} \mapsto \phi_{\overline{x}}\) \[Y \otimes \mathbf{Q}/\mathbf{Z}= V/Y \xrightarrow{\sim} \{\mu\text{-homomorphisms}\ \mu \to T\}\] where \(x \in V = Y \otimes \mathbf{Q}\).
let \(\phi:\mu \to G\) be a \(\mu\)-homomorphism with image in a split torus \(T\), corresponding to the class of \(x \in Y \otimes \mathbf{Q}= V\) in \(V/Y\).
the centralizer \(C_G^0(\phi)\) of the image of \(\phi\) is a subsystem subgroup of \(G\)
if \(G\) is split and \(T\) a maximal split torus, and if \(\Phi\) denotes the roots of \(G\) in \(X^*(T)\), the root system of \(C_G^0(\phi)\) is given by \(\Phi_x = \{\alpha \in \Phi \mid \langle \alpha,x \rangle \in \mathbf{Z}\}\).
\(\Phi_x\) is the root subsystem determined by the Borel-de Siebenthal procedure from the extended Dynkin diagram of \(G\).
we refer to the reductive subgroups of \(G\) that arises as connected centralizers of homomorphisms \(\phi:\mu \to G\) as subgroups of type \(C(\mu)\).
Let \(\mathrm{K}\) be a local field, by which I mean the field of fractions of a complete DVR \(\mathscr{A}\)
write \(\mathrm{k}= \mathscr{A}/\pi\mathscr{A}\) for the residue field.
e.g. \(\mathscr{A}\) could be the completion of the ring of integers \(\mathcal{O}_\mathrm{L}\) of a number field \(\mathrm{L}\) at some non-zero prime ideal \(\mathfrak{p}\).
Then \([\mathrm{K}:\mathbf{Q}_p] < \infty\) where \(p \mathbf{Z} = \mathbf{Z} \cap \mathfrak{p}\).
or \(\mathscr{A}\) could be the completion of the local ring \(\mathscr{O}_X\) where \(X\) is an (smooth, geometrically irreducible) algebraic curve over \(\mathrm{k}\).
Then \(\mathrm{K}\simeq \ell ( \hspace{-1.6pt} ( {t} ) \hspace{-1.6pt} )\) where \([\ell:\mathrm{k}] < \infty\).
we assume throughout that the char. of the residue field \(\mathrm{k}\) is \(p>0\).
Let \(G\) be a connected and reductive group over the local field \(\mathrm{K}\).
can always find a finite, separable extension \(\mathrm{K}\subset \mathrm{L}\) such that \(G_\mathrm{L}\) is split.
Recall that for a finite separable extension \(\mathrm{k}\subset \ell\) of the residue field, there is a unique extension – called an unramified extension – \(\mathrm{K}\subset \mathrm{L}\) for which the “residue field of \(\mathrm{L}\)” is \(\ell\) and \([\mathrm{L}:\mathrm{K}] = [\ell:\mathrm{k}]\).
We suppose that \((\diamondsuit):\) \(G\) splits over an unramified extension of \(\mathrm{K}\) – i.e. that the group \(G_\mathrm{L}\) obtained via base-change is split for a suitable unramified extension \(\mathrm{K}\subset \mathrm{L}\).
One says that \((\clubsuit):\) \(G\) is an unramified group over \(\mathrm{K}\) if there is a reductive group scheme \(\mathscr{G}\) over \(\mathscr{A}\) for which \(G = \mathscr{G}_\mathrm{K}\).
Of course, if \(G\) is split over \(\mathrm{K}\), it is a fundamental fact – essentially, the existence theorem for a reductive group scheme over \(\mathscr{A}\) corresponding to a given root datum – that there is a split reductive “Chevalley group scheme” \(\mathscr{G}\) over \(\mathscr{A}\) with \(G = \mathscr{G}_\mathrm{K}\).
Any unramified group splits over an unramified extension – i.e. \((\clubsuit) \implies (\diamondsuit)\) – but the converse is not true in general.
The parahoric group schemes attached to \(G\) are certain affine, smooth group schemes \(\mathscr{P}\) over \(\mathscr{A}\) having generic fiber \(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{K}= G\).
We just said that \(G\) is unramified over \(\mathrm{K}\) if there is a reductive group scheme \(\mathscr{G}\) over \(\mathscr{A}\) with \(G = \mathscr{G}_\mathrm{K}\). Such a group scheme \(\mathscr{G}\) is a parahoric group scheme.
But in general, parahoric group schemes \(\mathscr{P}\) are not reductive over \(\mathscr{A}\), even for split \(G\). In particular, the special fiber \(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}\) need not be a reductive group over the residue field \(\mathrm{k}\).
Suppose that \(G\) splits over an unramified extension of \(\mathrm{K}\), and let \(\mathscr{P}\) a parahoric attached to \(G\).
Studied Levi decompositions of \(\mathscr{P}_{\mathrm{k}}\) in (McNinch 2010 ), (McNinch 2014), (McNinch 2020).
Theorem (McNinch 2020) There is a reductive subgroup scheme \(\mathscr{M}\subset \mathscr{P}\) such that:
\(\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{K}\) is a reductive subgroup of \(G\) of type \(C(\mu)\), and
\(\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{k}\) is a Levi factor of the special fiber \(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}\).
note that \(R_u\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}\) is defined and split over \(\mathrm{k}\), even if \(\mathrm{k}\) is imperfect. (Thus \(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}\) has a Levi decomposition over \(\mathrm{k}\)).
parahorics are determined up to \(G(\mathrm{K})\)-conjugacy by \(x \in V = Y \otimes \mathbf{Q}\), and \(\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{K}\) is the centralizer of \(\phi_{\overline{x}}\). Here \(Y = X_*(S)\) for a max’l split torus \(S\) in \(G\).
Let \(G\) be a reductive group over the local field \(K\), and suppose that \(G\) splits over an unramified extension.
Write \(p\) for the char. of the residue field \(\mathrm{k}\) of \(K\), and s’pose \(p>2h-2\) where \(h = h(G)\) is the Coxeter number of \(G\) (i.e. the \(\operatorname{sup}\) of the Coxeter numbers of simple components of \(G_{\overline{\mathrm{K}}}.\))
Let \(X \in \operatorname{Lie}(G)\) be a nilpotent element.
Theorem: (McNinch 2021) There is a \(K\)-subgroup \(M \subset G\) such that:
let \(G\) be reductive over \(\mathrm{K}\), suppose that \(G\) splits over unramif. ext, and let \(\mathscr{P}\) be a parahoric for \(G\).
Choose reductive subgroup scheme \(\mathscr{M}\subset \mathscr{P}\) as in earlier Theorem – thus \(\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{k}\) is a Levi factor of \(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}\).
Suppose that \(p = \operatorname{char}(\mathrm{k})>2h-2\) as before.
Theorem: (McNinch 2021) Let \(X_0 \in \operatorname{Lie}(\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}/R_u\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}) = \operatorname{Lie}(\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{k})\) be nilpotent.
there is a nilpotent section \(\mathscr{X}\in \operatorname{Lie}(\mathscr{M})\) lifting \(X_0\) which is balanced for \(\mathscr{M}\) – i.e. \(C_{\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{k}}(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{k}=X_0)\) and \(C_{\mathscr{M}_\mathrm{K}}(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{K})\) are smooth of the same dimension.
Moreover, \(\mathscr{X}\) is balanced for \(\mathscr{P}\) – i.e. the centralizers \(C_{\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{k}}(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{k})\) and \(C_{\mathscr{P}_\mathrm{K}}(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{K})\) are smooth of the same dimension.
The Main Theorem above is deduced from the Primary Tool in part via the observation that any nilpotent \(X\) may be placed in \(\operatorname{Lie}(\mathscr{M}) \subset \operatorname{Lie}(\mathscr{P})\) for some parahoric \(\mathscr{P}\).
in order to control e.g. the dimensions of the centralizers of \(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{k}\) and \(\mathscr{X}_\mathrm{K}\), we actually place \(\mathscr{X}\) in the image of an \(\mathscr{A}\)-homomorphism \(\operatorname{SL}_{2/\mathscr{A}} \to \mathscr{M}\) and use the representation theory of \(\operatorname{SL}_2\) (which is well-behaved since \(p>2h-2\)).
The techniques used for this construction build on earlier work of McNinch (2005) on optimal \(\operatorname{SL}_2\)-homomorphisms.
DeBacker, Stephen. 2002. “Parametrizing Nilpotent Orbits via Bruhat-Tits Theory.” Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 156 (1): 295–332. https://doi.org/10.2307/3597191.
McNinch, George. 2005. “Optimal SL(2) Homomorphisms.” Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. A Journal of the Swiss Mathematical Society 80 (2): 391–426. https://doi.org/10.4171/CMH/19.
———. 2010. “Levi Decompositions of a Linear Algebraic Group.” Transformation Groups 15 (4): 937–64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00031-010-9111-8.
———. 2014. “Levi Factors of the Special Fiber of a Parahoric Group Scheme and Tame Ramification.” Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2): 469–79. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-013-9404-4.
———. 2020. “Reductive Subgroup Schemes of a Parahoric Group Scheme.” Transformation Groups 25 (1): 217–49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00031-018-9508-3.
———. 2021. “Nilpotent Elements and Reductive Subgroups over a Local Field.” Algebras and Representation Theory 24: 1479–1522. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-020-10000-2.